Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, where have I been? I've been disappeared for so many months. Hmm...proudly, I wanna announce: "I have left the HELL PRODUCTION COMPANY since July!!!" Yes, I resigned with the excuse that I am furthering my studies. Well, I did enrolled in MBA class, attended for 2 months, then something turn up and I have to defer my studies. What is so important? I will share in my next post.

Anyway, I went to Cameron Highlands in July. Ya, it's 2 months back. It's my first time there.

Cameron Highlands, a hill famous with the agriculture activities. Strawberries, Tea leaves, and Corn are among the must-buy items. But to me, Cameron is like equals to Strawberries Heaven. Why? See photos below.

Baby Strawberries

Strawberries!!! 3 for RM20

Even toys are Strawberries

The tea farm impressed me the most. I never thought it covers so wide area. I wonder how the workers collect the tea leaves.

Bharat Tea FarmBoh Tea Farm

Beside Strawberries and Tea Leaves, flowers are also commonly seen here! Roses, Daisies, Chrysanthemums, Cauli Flower :p
But, my favourite Tulips could not be seen.


Dunno wat flower

Flowers are selling too cheap

Fiery Red Roses

Few photos of my personal favourites

And the best photo among all

Not to forget my aunt and uncle, who pay for this trip. Thanks

Thank you

I like this photo

I do think this photo has Korean feel...hmmm

Long time never write, dunno what to write, should stop here. Adios


Anonymous said...

Hey, i was there too in July...
Is my 1st time too, the weather is so cold!!! With the cold weather, we (group of us) manage to have steamboat for our dinner.
The strawberry there is Big & Cheap!
lots of flowers too...
We also stop by at the tea village for tea. . .


Kathy said...

It's been years since i was there...

Your aunty's kids lok japanese + korean..

I met Mr Chin and Kent,

they fuck off with Yoko already..

Shining cham...

monks3080 said...

Hey I like your pictures of strawberries and the beautiful children. Check out my blog post about drinking coffee, you might find it entertaining.