Friday, June 27, 2008





Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Batu Pahat 之行:纪录

前两天,星期六,随着十几位本地艺人,远赴 Batu Pahat 参加明星篮球赛。别误会,我不会打篮球,我只是代表公司,去那里为球赛做影像记录。





午餐后,在酒店休息一会儿,球员们便到球场练球。我和同行的志民,嘉菂,与 Jojo 都必须跟去,拍摄花絮。

练完球,大家便去吃晚餐。这时,我们才发觉,怎么又是茄子? 难不成 Batu Pahat 出产茄子多?晚餐后,回到酒店,我们便准备拍摄我们公司节目的艺人访问。访问了几位新传媒大牌艺人,发觉他们人都好好,不知道是否因为有摄影机在的关系…… -.-


球赛后,我们又到了另一家餐馆吃夜宵。在 Batu Pahat, 我们就一直都在吃。 肥死了!回到酒店快一点了,本来想找朋友聚一聚,也被迫打消念头了……只好改第二天一早吃早餐了。

翌日早晨,Esther 和男友 Eng Huat 便载我去吃 Batu Pahat 的早餐。比较特别的,我觉得是炒萝卜糕,因为它的味道,用料等等和吉隆坡是不一样的,连卖相也不同!不过,是真得很好吃!

用过早餐,他们便带我四处逛逛。我们去到一处高尚住宅区,里边的豪宅都非常雄伟。而且听他们俩说, Batu Pahat 还出了许多名富豪,如丹斯里陈致远。在此感谢 Esther & Eng Huat 待我逛了 Batu Pahat 一圈,和带我吃了那么好吃的早餐,因为我听说,酒店的早餐不好吃,哈哈

从高尚住宅区某处看,就是 Batu Pahat 的市景。其中一座蓝色屋顶的高楼,便是我们国家著名领导人被偷拍的案发现场,Katerina Hotel

回到酒店,大家刚好正在办 check-out, Jojo 也帮我把行李拿下来了。离开酒店,我们向 Batu Pahat Mall 出发,为我们公司制作的赈灾单曲 CD 做宣传。


吃过午餐,便开始踏上回吉隆坡的路途。一个人的我,总爱胡思乱想……不过,累了,还是撑不住,睡着了。归途中,认识了明星偶像出身的 Ivan,还有球赛的司仪小姐欣怡。

Ivan, Jojo, 嘉菂

回到吉隆坡,我战战兢兢的开着志民的车,把 Jojo 和嘉菂送回家。我才发觉,原来在吉隆坡开车,没有我想象中那么恐怖。

(p/s: 明天我将会随公司到马六甲拍摄外景长达三天;纳闷-ing,其实我不想去)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Yay!!! It's my Birthday!!!

Weee~ it's 7th of June! Yes, It's my birthday...but, it's also a working day T.T

First, i have to apologize for abandoning my blog for so long. I just lazy to upload it. I've start working, back to the old company i had my internship. Very tired every night back from work.

I'm making this post short, and let the photos to do the talking.

Had dinner wiv my aunts and grandma the night before in Hakka Village Restaurant near my house! this restaurant is highly recommended, coz the food r nice n the price is quite cheap! thumbs up!

My grandma who i stayed with for 20 years.

My 5th aunt, who is also a Gemini. my cousin hide behind her back.

My 4th aunt and uncle who always take care of me here in KL.

Alright, back to 7th June. I still have to work. It's a press conference for a new tv program my company gonna shoot. I am responsible to take record of video for this whole press conference. The event started at 4 and ends around 5.

Cameraman in action

After the event, we had our meal in Old Town. Head back to the office after the meal. Just when i was chatting wiv Mr Ho, and old net pal, my colleagues, and juniors gave me a surprise. oh my~ i never expected that! and yes, they sang birthday song for me, haha...

It's hard to suddenly make 3 wishes...PEACE

It's me cake! It tastes good!!!

See, i m so happy! -.-


Leng San

Jojo and Adwin


Kok Foo

Poi Chin

Char Di

And and and...i receive a special card too! I m so touched wiv it lo, wanna cry! haha

This is the cover. Thank u Leng San for doing this cover. Anyway, my frens use to call me wild boar than pig, maybe next time u can find a photo of wild boar? -.-

Thanks Peggy for designing this page. You designed it real good, and i love it!

Thanks Poi Chin for doing this page. And of course, thanks everyone for the wishes!

Besides that, i also received a very special gift from Mun How! a Flickr Pro account!!! Thanks again!

And and and thanks Kian Loon, who gave me a wallet! Thanks so much!

And and and and....thanks everyone who wished me, be it SMS, MSN, or phone calls. I really appreciated it! Thanks!

So, it's time to make wishes! After i think and rethink, i have DECIDED (wtf?) my wishes are:

1. Everyone around me to be happy!!!
2. Earn enough money and buy a car very soon!!!
3. erm, the third wish, ppl say canot say it out de's SECRET

Alright, wat a long post... phew! i think i gotta sleep now, it's kinda late. Thanks again everyone!